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Luno is the first digital asset exchanges (DAX) in Malaysia to receive full approval to operate from the Securities Commission.

Our task as the PR agency was the following: build and maintain close relationship with The Securities Comission and other regulatory bodies, to drive brand awareness through relevant articles, content seeding, interview with Luno’s spokesperson and develop media relations in order to generate consistent news coverage.

We wanted to position Luno as the top brand recall and consumer choice for purchasing/selling Crypto and to drive a mass educational campaign (and building a sense of urgency) on the world of crypto and its immediate impact in the foreseeable future.


  • Newsjacking any media stories about Crypto - e.g newsjack announcement of launch of Facebook’s white paper with a press note to media

  • Closed media sessions with the SC, media and other stakeholders to channel cryptocurrency awareness as well as commentaries on the industry

  • Article seeding to key media outlets on educational articles of crypto

  • Pitching tv interviews to obtain mainstream acceptance of crypto

  • Crafting different angles for different media to gather as much publicity as possible - (investment angles for chinese media, educational articles for Malay media, and general business announcements with business and english media)


Utilising the Cision software, Luno has had a constant share of voice in Malaysia (60% to 70%) as compared to its competitors.

Notable coverages includes feature spreads from The Edge, SoyaCincau, Berita Harian, and China Press as well as a TV interview on Bernama Biz Talk.

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